Solving Additional Issues With Exchange OAB Download

Frank Plawetzki posted a great article on issues that can affect how clients retrieve their Offline Address Book (OAB). This has also been the source of some recent work for myself, though with slightly different root causes. The issues that I have encountered were due to:

  • Invalid SSL Certificate
  • OAB web.config file
  • Incorrect process followed for HTTP redirect

Update 4-3-2014:  Added link to KB 975341 HoRead the rest “Solving Additional Issues With Exchange OAB Download”


Outlook Fails To Download OAB


This is an article written by Frank Plawetzki, a Senior PFE from Deutschland, and originally published on Opsvault.



Throughout the last weeks I have seen two different issues that prevented Outlook clients from downloading the OAB (Offline Address Book). One affected public-folder based OAB distribution and the other affected web-based distribution.

I want to provide some hints on t… Read the rest “Outlook Fails To Download OAB”