QuickTip – Windows Emoji Keyboard Shortcut

Since today is World Emoji Day, the below tip is rather relevant!

Did you know that Windows now has a keyboard shortcut built in to allow to access emojis?

Windows key and period / full stop *


Windows key and colon


This will function across multiple applications and is not limited to Skype for Business.  Enjoy!!


Word 2016

Windows Emoji Shortcut - Word 2016


Skype for Business

Windows Emoji Shortcut - Skype for Business





* – choose whiche… Read the rest “QuickTip – Windows Emoji Keyboard Shortcut”


Transport Rule Changes For Next Exchange Cumulative Updates

Microsoft has provided rich support for Exchange on-premises to integrate with Exchange Online for several years.  This coexistence is one of the major strengths of the Microsoft cloud solution as it allows customers to perform Digital Transformation at their own pace.

It is not expected that an organisation will transition all of their on-premises mailboxes overnight, that would be unrealistic for… Read the rest “Transport Rule Changes For Next Exchange Cumulative Updates”


Transport Rule To Force On-Premises Terminology In a Not So Subtle Way

There are many memes doing the rounds inside Microsoft which are sent out when someone uses the term on-premise rather than on-premises.  Note the extra"S" in the latter.  This is not new, and the last rant on this subject was a year ago Friday Morning Rant – Premise and Tenents.


For another bit of Friday morning fun, how about we provide some rather unsubtle feedback via an Exchange transpor… Read the rest “Transport Rule To Force On-Premises Terminology In a Not So Subtle Way”


Friday Morning Rant – Premise and Tenents

Since it’s Friday, let’s have a non-technical post.  You will likely have realized that I have some OCD and language issues.  This can come through in various forms, it may be how someone insists on saying “anyways” rather than anyway, or the latest internal Microspeak babble.  Raymond Chen has a dedicated tag to track the Microspeak nonsense which he hears.&nb… Read the rest “Friday Morning Rant – Premise and Tenents”


Heidy The Skype Squirrel

This is one of those silly but intriguing things that is worth sharing.  When delivering some internal training over Skype I noticed that some of the emoticons have names I did not expect. 

Skype for Business introduced some really nice emoticons.  The below image is from the 2016 version of the client, showing the emoticons I currently have available.

Skype For Business 2016 Emoticons

Yes this list includes our vener… Read the rest “Heidy The Skype Squirrel”


MIS–Blast From The Past

<Monty Python>

And now for some off topic humour…

</Monty Python>

Am I the only one who thought of Mobile Information Server (MIS) when looking at today’s Bing wallpaper?

Atacama Large Millimeter Array

This was from the time when we actually got CDs as installation media.  Things have certainly moved on…

From the Microsoft archives, here is our old chum MIS 2002:

MIS 2002 Product Box - Yes Kids We Used To Have Installation Media.....

Who remembers installing MIS 2002 to get ActiveSync wo… Read the rest “MIS–Blast From The Past”


Windows Phone Upgraded

Feeling pretty pumped over here as I’ve just deployed the latest and greatest build onto my Windows Phone.

In honour of all things retro, the phone team have gone a little old school and have tweaked the interface a smidgeon.

The interface has been, well let’s just say “streamlined”.

Update 1-4-2015:  Yes this was an April 1st prank…  You can download the app for your Windows phone.

In addition to the … Read the rest “Windows Phone Upgraded”


Registry Editor Favourites – Who Knew?

When I was in Seattle for some internal training in January, one of the chaps delivering a demo used a feature that I wish I’d known about previously.   When he was demonstrating some of the update mechanics for Office Pro Plus he immediately skipped to the correct portion of the registry by using a shortcut feature in Registry Editor.

Yes, there is a favourites bookmark feature!

Update 20-8-2014:  Ad… Read the rest “Registry Editor Favourites – Who Knew?”


Facebook Language Settings – Avast!

Here I was just trying to update my Facebook profile to use English UK, and what do I see?   Entries for not only English Pirate, but also English (upside down)…..

Facebook Language Settings - Pirate

One can only surmise that the (upside down) is meant for our Antipodean chums!

Now for the pirate theme, I guess I have to go and buy one of these:


Cool Pirate Emoticon

