Save The Date – End of Exchange 2010 Support–T Minus 1 Year

End of Exchange 2010 SupportJanuary 2020 is going to be a very important month.  There are multiple large and important products which will exit out of their extended support lifecycle phase.  The list includes Exchange 2010.

We reviewed this a year ago, to provide additional warning and notification as many customers still run Exchange 2010 on-premises.  For those who are not in the middle of upgrade or migration activities t… Read the rest “Save The Date – End of Exchange 2010 Support–T Minus 1 Year”


Install DFSRDIAG On Windows 2012 R2 and Windows 2016

Working on multiple versions of Exchange means having multiple different labs.  Each lab will have different versions of Exchange, different update levels and also different Active Directory site layouts.  They are all required to test and validate different configurations.

These VMs are not always running.  As a result, DFS sometimes needs attention if the environment was powered off for an extend… Read the rest “Install DFSRDIAG On Windows 2012 R2 and Windows 2016”


Exchange RPC Client Access Service Crash

RPC Client Access is the main conduit for Outlook clients communicating to Exchange 2010.  So when something happens to it, the impact can be classified as “not good”…..

While Exchange 2010 SP3 RU2 addresses issues with RPC Client Access that may be caused by RPC Client Access threads hanging on a mailbox server that is experiencing issues, there is an additional update that was recently released to … Read the rest “Exchange RPC Client Access Service Crash”


Monitoring Removal of Hyper-V AVHD Files

Have you used Windows 2008 and Windows 2008 R2 Hyper-V; created a snapshot, deleted it and then wondered why the snapshot files are still hanging around?    Like to know what to expect and the EventIDs that are associated with snapshot removal?

Likely you will be familiar with .vhd files which are the disk storage files in currently released versions of Hyper-V.  It is also possible for other organi… Read the rest “Monitoring Removal of Hyper-V AVHD Files”


Lenovo Windows 8 Drivers (Beta)


Are you evaluating Windows 8? 

Are you running it on a Lenovo machine?  Looking for drivers? 

Lenovo Windows 8 Beta Drivers

Here is a neat page on the Lenovo support site where Windows 8 beta drivers can be downloaded. 



Note that the drivers are provided for testing purposes, as mentioned in the site’s disclaimer… Read the rest “Lenovo Windows 8 Drivers (Beta)”