I Am Zorg – CASArray Destroyer

This is an interesting tale, and is something I have never seen done before in all my time working with Exchange.  The client had managed to tweak the configuration of Exchange and modify the CAS configuration so significantly that Exchange was absolutely confused.  Specifically, the CAS Array was modified so much that Autodiscover was no longer handing out the CASArray name to clients.  This was … Read the rest “I Am Zorg – CASArray Destroyer”


Retrieving Cluster Error 1135 From Servers

In some of the recent posts you will have noted that there have been some issues with VMware, and also network cards dropping packets in packets received discarded.  One symptom of this is that nodes will be removed from the cluster and EventID 1135 is logged into the System log.  EventID 1135  states that the Cluster node was removed from the active failover cluster membership.  In Exchange 2010/2… Read the rest “Retrieving Cluster Error 1135 From Servers”


VMware Issues With Exchange DAG

When resolving issues with on-premises Exchange sometimes the issue may be directly within Exchange, other times the root cause may lie outside Exchange.  Depending upon the exact nature of the case we may have to investigate network switches, load balancers or storage.  When Exchange is virtualized then the hypervisor and it’s configuration also may require attention.

This was the case with a rece… Read the rest “VMware Issues With Exchange DAG”


Retrieving Packets Received Discarded Perfmon Counter From Multiple Servers

Whilst working on a customer’s Exchange 2010 DAG issue, I wrote a quick script to quickly grab some performance monitor counters from all of their Exchange servers.  The issue that we were investigating was related to discarded packets when the VM was running on a certain hypervisor host.  The customer had moved their Exchange VMs to a new host and after doing so they were experiencing cluster iss… Read the rest “Retrieving Packets Received Discarded Perfmon Counter From Multiple Servers”