Office 365 Autodiscover Lookup Process–Revisited

Previously we looked at the Office 2010 client and how it used Autodiscover to detect Exchange Online (EXO) mailbox settings.  Outlook 2010 is no longer supported, so it is worth updating these notes for a current build of Outlook.

As with the previous post, this is intended as a point in time reference as I personally find it handy as an ongoing reference.  In the updated example below a fully patc… Read the rest “Office 365 Autodiscover Lookup Process–Revisited”


Outlook 2016 Autodiscover Implementation

It’s time that we revisited the implementation of Autodiscover in current builds of Outlook, as there have been some changes that are worth noting.

The latest public article which discusses Outlook and Autodiscover is: Outlook 2016 implementation of Autodiscover.

You can take a look at the previous posts on the blog which feature the #Autodiscover tag.  They show the "classic" Outlook 2007 impl… Read the rest “Outlook 2016 Autodiscover Implementation”


Outlook 2013 Autodiscover

Many, many moons ago, we looked at the functionality of Autodiscover for on-premises Exchange.  At the time of writing that post the focus was on Exchange 2010 and Outlook 2010.  Things change...

In this post we can look at the modifications introduced in Outlook 2013, and we will also need to review the changes in Outlook 2016 which will be in a separate post.


The documented flows for … Read the rest “Outlook 2013 Autodiscover”


Office 365 Exchange Hybrid Deployments Busting The Autodiscover Myth

When configuring an Exchange Online hybrid deployment, there are many things to consider.  Asides from the various networking, certificate and client discussions there is also a requirement to ensure that Autodiscover is functioning correctly.  In addition to having Autodiscover correctly published to the Internet an additional wrinkle commonly pops up, which takes people down the wrong garden pat… Read the rest “Office 365 Exchange Hybrid Deployments Busting The Autodiscover Myth”


DNS or SRV Record For DNS Based Exchange Autodiscover

For users and devices that need to use DNS to locate their Exchange Autodiscover endpoint, should I use a SRV record?

The above is a fairly common question, and it almost warrants the consultant’s answer.  It depends...

Multi Site Exchange 2010 CAS Namespaces

As discussed by Ross Smith IV in his introduction to Exchange 2013 CAS post, Exchange 2010 CAS Namespace planning typically requires multiple nam… Read the rest “DNS or SRV Record For DNS Based Exchange Autodiscover”


How To Check Exchange Autodiscover SRV Record Using Nslookup

Generally the Exchange external Autodiscover DNS entity is configured as a regular A record.  Sometimes a service record (SRV) is used instead.  Since I have the habit of forgetting the syntax of quickly querying for the SRV record, this is one of those shared bookmark posts!

Nslookup is the tool of choice here!  Its documentation can be found on TechNet.

There are two ways to run nslookup – interac… Read the rest “How To Check Exchange Autodiscover SRV Record Using Nslookup”


Exchange Autodiscover & Lync

Via this blog we have discussed the fundamentals of Exchange Autodiscover, and also issues around the Set-AutodiscoverVirtualDirectory cmdlet.

At this point the message should be out there with regards to how Outlook functions internally and externally to locate Autodiscover and the difference that having the workstation domain joined makes.   Lync on the other hand is a different beastie!

Both the O… Read the rest “Exchange Autodiscover & Lync”


Busting The Set-AutodiscoverVirtualDirectory Myth

This is one of those long overdue posts (and yes there are certainly many more where it came from in my drafts folder) regarding some of the incorrect instructions about setting up Autodiscover which can be found on the Internet.

What am I wibbling about?  Well repeatedly over the last 5 years or so since Exchange 2007 shipped, multiple sources have claimed that one *MUST* configure the InternalURL a… Read the rest “Busting The Set-AutodiscoverVirtualDirectory Myth”


How To Read Exchange Autodiscover Response In Outlook

Demystifying Outlook Auto-Configuration – Part One

Sunny Outlook Logo

Exchange administrators will inevitably run into issues with the interaction between the Outlook client and Exchange server. So how can we identify the configuration data that is sent to Outlook from the Exchange server, and troubleshoot?

This article will describe how to analyse the data returned to Outlook to assist with troubleshooting Exchange s… Read the rest “How To Read Exchange Autodiscover Response In Outlook”


Exchange & The Autodiscover Web Service

In the Exchange 2003 world and below, those administrators looking to automate and control the behaviour of MAPI profiles on user’s desktops quickly became familiar with tools like:

  • ORK (Office Resource Kit)
  • .PRF Files
  • .OPS files (from the Office Profile wizard)
  • ExProfRe

For a refresher on such joys  of .PRF files etc. take a peek at:

Whitepaper: Configuring Outlook Profiles by Using a PRRead the rest “Exchange & The Autodiscover Web Service”