Exchange 2010 Hybrid Configuration Wizard

Update - The below HCW is no longer supported.  Please use the new HCW which has added multiple features as is required.

To download the Office 365 Hybrid Configuration wizard go to https://aka.ms/HybridWizard.



The below screenshots are to illustrate the Exchange 2010 HCW which was included in the Exchange install.  As noted above, this is no longer supported and should not be used.

This … Read the rest “Exchange 2010 Hybrid Configuration Wizard”


Using Out-GridView With Exchange 2010 PowerShell

Using Out-GridView with Exchange 2010 will result in an error.  This happens running the commands directly in the Exchange Management Shell or using the Out-GridVew as part of a script.

Some examples:

Exchange 2010 Management Shell With Our-GridView Error

Exchange 2010 Management Shell With Our-GridView Error With Script

The below is the typical error received:

Out-GridView : To use the Out-GridView cmdlet, install the Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment feature from Server Manager. (Could not load file oRead the rest “Using Out-GridView With Exchange 2010 PowerShell”


End Of Exchange 2010 SP2 Support

Time files and we are now at the end of the Exchange 2010 SP2 support lifecycle. And as previously discussed Windows XP and Office 2003 left extended support yesterday.   It seems like only yesterday when Exchange 2010 SP2 was released in November 2011.

The support lifecycle marker is the Exchange 2010 Service Pack.  Exchange 2010 Rollup Updates (RU), are not milestones in the support lifecycle.  So… Read the rest “End Of Exchange 2010 SP2 Support”


Save The Date – End of Exchange 2003 Support–T Minus 6 Months

Exchange 2003 Support About To Blast OffAs mentioned 6 months ago, Exchange 2003 is rapidly approaching the end of its extended product lifecycle.  The ship is getting ready to launch, and hopefully this should not surprise anyone.


Exchange 2003 certainly has had a good run over the last 10 years since it was released back in back in October 2003.  It made ActiveSync available to the mainstream (Mobile Information Server wa… Read the rest “Save The Date – End of Exchange 2003 Support–T Minus 6 Months”


Exchange 2010 SP2 RU7 Released

It’s a busy day in the land of Exchange today, with updates also released for Exchange 2007, Exchange 2010 SP3, and Exchange 2013.

Exchange 2010 SP2 RU7 is now available as update 2874216.

Exchange 2010 SP2 RU7 is also released as part of Patch Tuesday to resolve the security issues that are addressed in Exchange 2007 SP3 RU11.  For reference they are, CVE-2013-2393 and CVE-2013-3776 as discussed in t… Read the rest “Exchange 2010 SP2 RU7 Released”


Dude, Where’s My Set-DAG Command

Have you read a blog or web site that asked you to run the Set-DAG command?  Were you told by someone to run the Get-DAG command?  You then went to your lab Exchange server to test and validate the command only to find that it does not work.  At this point it’s a case of: Dude, where’s my command**

The Exchange Management Shell will look like the below:


<Soup Nazi> No Set-DAG Command for you!  <Soup Nazi>


The reason is as mentioned in t… Read the rest “Dude, Where’s My Set-DAG Command”


Exchange 2010 DAG AllowCrossSiteRPCClientAccess Reverts to False

Update 28-7-2013:  This issue is now resolved in Exchange 2010 SP3 RU1.  See end for details.

When browsing a customer’s Disaster Recovery document I noticed that the Exchange admins had added a step at the end of the document when recovering the DAG back to the primary datacentre. This was to enable AllowCrossSiteRPCClientAccess in the DAG.  This was curious as it had already been enabled when the … Read the rest “Exchange 2010 DAG AllowCrossSiteRPCClientAccess Reverts to False”


Exchange Support – Save The Date 8th April 2014

Well it’s a year from today until a raft of products reach the end of their extended support window.   As they say in the boy scouts, better be prepared!

Please make sure that the 8th of April 2014 is in your calendar.

Outlook 2003 will transition out of extended support on 8th of April 2014

Exchange Server 2003 will transition out of extended support on 8th of April 2014

Windows XP will transition out of… Read the rest “Exchange Support – Save The Date 8th April 2014”


Exchange 2010 SP2 RU6 and SP3 Unable To Delete Messages

Edit 30-5-2013:  Exchange 2010 SP3 RU1 has been released to address this issue.   Details and download are here.

Quick heads up on an issue from Exchange 2010 SP2 RU6 and that is also in Exchange 2010 SP3.  After installing either of these updates, users may report that they are unable to delete certain items when in online mode.

This issue does not surface when  running Outlook in cached mode.


Read the rest “Exchange 2010 SP2 RU6 and SP3 Unable To Delete Messages”

Exchange 2010 SP2 RU6 Released

It’s a busy day in the land of Exchange today, with updates for both Exchange 2007 and Exchange 2010.  Exchange 2010 SP2 RU6 is now available as update 2746164.


Exchange 2010 SP2 RU6 is also released as part of Patch Tuesday to resolve the security issues that are addressed in Exchange 2007 SP3 RU10.  For reference they are CVE-2013-0393 and CVE-2013-0418 as discussed in the Oracle Critical PaRead the rest “Exchange 2010 SP2 RU6 Released”