Exchange Managed Availability State Unknown

The below is one of the cases where the "Zen of Exchange Management" is what fixes the issue.  I've been know to say that sometimes you just need to wait for Exchange to do what it needs to do.  To pass the time, feel free to adopt a meditation pose and emit calm and peaceful humming noises.  This is Zen.


Exchange Managed Availability Reports Status:  Unknown

After remediating multiple other i… Read the rest “Exchange Managed Availability State Unknown”


Exchange 2013 OnPremisesSmtpClientSubmission – Unhealthy After Disabling TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1

After going through the steps to disable TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1, it was noted that Managed Availability was not happy with one particular component in Exchange 2013.  This was the OnPremisesSmtpClientSubmission probe and the monitor which was associated to it.  The below is a reproduction of the customer environment.

For reference, you can review Protocols in TLS/SSL (Schannel SSP) for a listing of wh… Read the rest “Exchange 2013 OnPremisesSmtpClientSubmission – Unhealthy After Disabling TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1”


Exchange Managed Availability Broken With TLS 1.2 Changes

In most enterprise customers there is a segregation of duties between multiple teams.  This could be networking and desktop.  Or Windows Server platform and messaging.  It was the split in these roles, and especially a dearth of communication which led to this tale of woe with TLS 1.2 and Exchange.

The reasons for moving to TLS 1.2 and avoiding SSL2, SSL3, TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 should be well underst… Read the rest “Exchange Managed Availability Broken With TLS 1.2 Changes”


Exchange Managed Availability Error – OutlookRpcSelfTestProbe

This case illustrates the "fun" with Managed Availability a particular customer had after making changes to their servers.  The servers were built back in 2014, and as such the default self signed certificates had expired and were previously replaced.  This is because the Exchange self signed certificates have a 5 year validity period.

It was noted that Managed Availability was not healthy in all r… Read the rest “Exchange Managed Availability Error – OutlookRpcSelfTestProbe”


QuickTip – Which Managed Availability Components Are Unhealthy?

Exchange Managed Availability

Exchange 2013 introduced the Managed Availability feature, so Exchange can self monitor and perform recovery actions upon itself.  While this has greatly helped Exchange become more self-healing, one of the downsides is that there is no real UI for Managed Availability.  The only UI is the Managed Availability Event Logs.  All of the configuration inside of Exchange is done using PowerShell.  The … Read the rest “QuickTip – Which Managed Availability Components Are Unhealthy?”


Managed Availability Resources

Exchange Managed Availability Overview

The Managed Availability (MA) feature provides a very capable automated monitoring and management framework.  Managed Availability allows Exchange to self diagnose and to self correct issues without having to escalate to a human.  The requirement for this feature was born out of necessity for Exchange Online.  MA was one of the things released with Exchange 2013 but not every Exchange admin was im… Read the rest “Managed Availability Resources”


Quick Tip: What Restarts Has Managed Availability Issued

Exchange 2013 introduced the Managed Availability feature to provide a very capable automated monitoring and management framework.  Managed Availability allows Exchange to self diagnose and to self correct issues without having to escalate to a carbon life based unit for every issue.  Whilst Managed Availability may still have to page humans, the frequency is certainly reduced compared to Exchange… Read the rest “Quick Tip: What Restarts Has Managed Availability Issued”