PowerShell Resources For The Exchange Administrator

A long time ago, in a continent far, far away from where I currently live there was a younger, fitter and better looking version of me.   One of the few woes that this chap had, was that on a Friday afternoon he would be struggling to delete enough files off a server to allow that day’s event log archive process to run.  Site Server 3.0 ( yes, I’m really dating myself now….) was used to replicate th… Read the rest “PowerShell Resources For The Exchange Administrator”


Using A PAL Template To Easily Capture Performance Data

PAL Analyze Captured LogI recently blogged about using PAL to analyse an existing performance monitor log file.  That is great if you have an existing log, but what if this is not the case?  How can we easily capture the correct counters in the log file?  Again PAL can come to the rescue!

Let's assume that PAL is installed as detailed in the previous blog post, if not hit that post and get the tool running.  I’ll wait for y… Read the rest “Using A PAL Template To Easily Capture Performance Data”


Updated PAL Tool 2.3.1 Released

Note: The follow-up can be found here: https://blog.rmilne.ca/archive/2012/07/19/using-pal-template-to-easily-capture-performance-data.aspx

Performance Analysis of Logs - PALClint Huffman Tweeted that he released an updated build of the PAL (Performance Analysis of Logs) tool.

This build contains both fixes and other welcome additional improvements to an ever growing list of templates which is always great to see!

For those who have n… Read the rest “Updated PAL Tool 2.3.1 Released”


“Slow” File Copy Issues


A recent performance issue case revolved around slow disk access times, and the impact that this had on Hyper-V and Windows in general.

The customer had identified that one of their SAN units was dramatically out performing another one, even though the slower unit should have been orders of magnitude faster – well, at least on paper!

As part of their tests IOMeter was used along with copying l… Read the rest ““Slow” File Copy Issues”