Facebook Language Settings – Avast!

Here I was just trying to update my Facebook profile to use English UK, and what do I see?   Entries for not only English Pirate, but also English (upside down)…..

Facebook Language Settings - Pirate

One can only surmise that the (upside down) is meant for our Antipodean chums!

Now for the pirate theme, I guess I have to go and buy one of these:


Cool Pirate Emoticon




Solving Additional Issues With Exchange OAB Download

Frank Plawetzki posted a great article on issues that can affect how clients retrieve their Offline Address Book (OAB). This has also been the source of some recent work for myself, though with slightly different root causes. The issues that I have encountered were due to:

  • Invalid SSL Certificate
  • OAB web.config file
  • Incorrect process followed for HTTP redirect

Update 4-3-2014:  Added link to KB 975341 HoRead the rest “Solving Additional Issues With Exchange OAB Download”


Outlook Fails To Download OAB


This is an article written by Frank Plawetzki, a Senior PFE from Deutschland, and originally published on Opsvault.



Throughout the last weeks I have seen two different issues that prevented Outlook clients from downloading the OAB (Offline Address Book). One affected public-folder based OAB distribution and the other affected web-based distribution.

I want to provide some hints on t… Read the rest “Outlook Fails To Download OAB”


Lync Session Recordings From TechEd 2012

Just in case evaluating the Exchange 2013 preview was not keeping you busy, Channel 9 has recordings on Lync from TechEd 2012.


Consumerization of IT has brought an irreversible shift of power from IT to the Business where IT is no longer king. Come learn about the 5 ways Lync can supercharge and automate business processes! Demos,
Read the rest “Lync Session Recordings From TechEd 2012”

The New Exchange

To make a change from the way that a Monday typically starts, Rajesh Jha (Corporate Vice President, Exchange) posted a great overview on Exchange 2013’s features.

This is published on the Exchange team blog.

Exchange 2013 Blog


Here are some of the great benefits you get with the next release of Exchange:

  • Reduced costs by optimizing for next generation of hardware

Exchange can now support up to 8TB disks, by reducin… Read the rest “The New Exchange”


Exchange Server 2013 Forums Available on TechNet

Update: Since Exchange 2013 has now been released the preview forums has been retired, and the RTM forums can now be found here.

Since the Exchange 2013 Preview is now available it is a great chance to see how the next version of Exchange is shaping up!  If you are running to issues then head on over to the TechNet forum for Exchange 2013 Preview and see if the community can help out.

TechNet Exchange 2013 Forums

In addition the… Read the rest “Exchange Server 2013 Forums Available on TechNet”


Using A PAL Template To Easily Capture Performance Data

PAL Analyze Captured LogI recently blogged about using PAL to analyse an existing performance monitor log file.  That is great if you have an existing log, but what if this is not the case?  How can we easily capture the correct counters in the log file?  Again PAL can come to the rescue!

Let's assume that PAL is installed as detailed in the previous blog post, if not hit that post and get the tool running.  I’ll wait for y… Read the rest “Using A PAL Template To Easily Capture Performance Data”


Maximize Exchange Administrator Productivity With PowerShell-Part 3

In the previous articles in this series we looked at the basic aspects of PowerShell and then the underlying mechanisms that are used to connect both Exchange 2007 and Exchange 2010 management tools to Exchange.  These articles can be found as follows:

Read the rest “Maximize Exchange Administrator Productivity With PowerShell-Part 3”

How to Fix: Log Parser – Log Row Too Long

The Microsoft Log Parser is a trusted and venerable tool to have when you are analysing log files.

One issue that does come up when analysing larger Performance Monitor files is that of the default buffer setting in Log Parser.  Typically you will see an error message saying  “log row too Long”.

When running the ExRAP toolset this will be shown in the console:

Error parsing query: Log row too long
Read the rest “How to Fix: Log Parser – Log Row Too Long”