How To Check Database White Space In Exchange

From time to time we need to see how our Exchange databases are doing so that they are being managed proactively.  One aspect is tracking size and the utilization of each database.  At the simplest level we want to ensure that the database and transaction log LUNs do not run out of disk space.  That would be bad.

Sometimes we want to take a peek at the database, and check that the size of the datab… Read the rest “How To Check Database White Space In Exchange”


Exchange Support – Save The Date 8th April 2014

Well it’s a year from today until a raft of products reach the end of their extended support window.   As they say in the boy scouts, better be prepared!

Please make sure that the 8th of April 2014 is in your calendar.

Outlook 2003 will transition out of extended support on 8th of April 2014

Exchange Server 2003 will transition out of extended support on 8th of April 2014

Windows XP will transition out of… Read the rest “Exchange Support – Save The Date 8th April 2014”