End Of Exchange 2010 SP1 Support

The end of Exchange 2010 SP1 support is almost upon us!  Is it really that long since Exchange 2010 SP1 was released Smile

Please review the lifecycle chart here for full details.

Exchange 2010 Support Lifecycle

So at this point please ensure that you are on SP2, and when SP3 ships later on this year come back and check when support will end for SP2.

For details on SP2 – you can take a peek at these articles.

I also blogged about the expiRead the rest “End Of Exchange 2010 SP1 Support”


Exchange 2010 Recommend DAG Update

While working with a customer to resolve networking issues with their DAG last week I enquired if they had installed the recommended update for their DAG.  They were not aware of the Exchange product group’s recommendation so I thought I’d bubble this back up again:

The post is on the Exchange team blog site and mentions the following update:

KB2550886 - A transient communication failure causes a WinRead the rest “Exchange 2010 Recommend DAG Update”


Update Rollup 6 for Exchange Server 2010 SP1 Released

This update contains a number of customer reported and internally found issues since the release of SP1 RU5. In particular we would like to specifically call out the following fixes which are included in this release:

  • 2627769 Some time zones in OWA are not synchronized with Windows in an Exchange Server 2010 environment
  • 2528854 The Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication service crashes on a computer t
Read the rest “Update Rollup 6 for Exchange Server 2010 SP1 Released”

Change DAG to DHCP

One of the great changes to Exchange 2010 SP1 was that a DAG static IP address can be set using the Exchange Managemetn Console.  Prior to this in RTM, the Exchange Management Shell had to be used to set a static IP.  An example of this would be:


In the SP1 EMC to revert the DAG to using DHCP, simply remove all the IP Addresses that were assigned.

But how can you revert a DAG back to using DHC… Read the rest “Change DAG to DHCP”


Outlook & Restricting DAG Cross-Site Connections

This post is to clarify that a previously discussed feature that was intended for Exchange 2010 SP1 is not present in the SP1 final build.

Update:  This feature is now live in the Exchange 2010 SP2 RU3 build of Exchange. 

The feature I am referring to is the allow/block cross site RPC Client Access connections.  This sometimes comes up in workshops and discussions with clients regar… Read the rest “Outlook & Restricting DAG Cross-Site Connections”


End Of Exchange 2010 RTM Support

The Exchange 2010 RTM (Release To Manufacturing) build has now reached the end of its support lifecycle.  Customers should upgrade to SP1 to continue to receive support (amongst many other good reasons!). 


The Exchange 2010 lifecycle can be viewed here:



Full details about the Microsoft lifecycle policy can be viewed here



I woul… Read the rest “End Of Exchange 2010 RTM Support”


Best way ever to install required OS components for Exchange 2010 SP1 install!

My good friend Dan wrote a great blog entry about automating the installation of the required Windows OS prerequisites for an Exchange 2010 install.  You can read it here

Over and above this, Exchange 2010 SP1 adds a new setup switch


Exchange 2010 SP1 Setup has been improved to allow you to install the required Windows roles and features. If you select th… Read the rest “Best way ever to install required OS components for Exchange 2010 SP1 install!”