Quick Tip–Easily Accessing Certificate MMC

Having to manually open a blank MMC and add in the certificate MMC every time will quickly bore you.  I used to then save it onto my desktop as shown below so I would only have to do this once per server.  It could also be copied to other servers.  The chosen name goes back to TechEd 2002 – don’t ask…

Hot Certificate Action MSC

While that is useful for servers you commonly use, what about other servers?  What if you work with multiple customers?

Would it not be great to have pre-defined certificate MMC shortcuts for the local user and local computer?

Pre-Defined Certificate Shortcuts

The good news is that you can!  There are two built in Microsoft saved MMC files that will allow access to the current user and local machine certificate stores.

All you need to do is to run the bellow commands



Current User Certificate MSC

In the Run box, cmd prompt or PowerShell window you can execute Certmgr.msc as shown below:

Launching Current User Certificate MMC

This will launch the Current User certificate MSC.

Current User Certificate MMC

Local Machine Certificate MSC

In the Run box, cmd prompt or PowerShell window you can execute CertLM.msc as shown below:

Launching Local Machine Certificate MMC

This will launch the Local Computer certificate MSC.

Local Machine Certificate MMC


Windows key + R is a handy shortcut to open the Run dialog.

The tips above are from Mike “Red, Red Wine”  MacGillivray – Thanks Mike!!



Rhoderick Milne [MSFT]

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