Critical Schannel Vulnerability – MS14-066

Not So Happy Security WidgetIn the November 2014 security bulletin there were 14 updates released.  The updates resolved security issues in IE, OLE and Schannel.  It is the latter that is worth calling out for attention since this is the basis of the Microsoft implementation of SSL. Exchange makes heavy use of SSL, and is typically connected to the Internet.

You can read about the other security details in the security bulletRead the rest “Critical Schannel Vulnerability – MS14-066”


Disabling IPv6 And Exchange – Going All The Way

When we are performing the Exchange Risk Assessment, one of things PFE love to check is how servers have been configured for IPv6.  There have been numerous occasions where we have found servers whose admin has said that they have disabled IPv6, but when you look at the server it is not really disabled.

When we take a look at the Exchange server, the initial clue is that the network card’s TCP/IPv6 … Read the rest “Disabling IPv6 And Exchange – Going All The Way”


Exchange and AntiVirus Exclusions – Still A Critical Conversation

Security DoohickeyIn a previous post we saw the Microsoft requirements for the exclusions that must be added to file system AV on Exchange servers.  In a recent CritSit, basically an uber urgent support request where the customer is down or as good as down, I also got to examine some of the other causes for file system AV not being correctly configured for Exchange.

In the aforementioned post the majority of the… Read the rest “Exchange and AntiVirus Exclusions – Still A Critical Conversation”


Outlook Unable To Connect To Exchange –Default Gateway Not Found

When doing some recent customer work for Exchange 2013, I ran into an annoying issue in one of my labs.  Outlook 2013 refused to connect to Exchange 2013.   A witch hunt then ensued to ensure that all of my Outlook Anywhere, Autodiscover and authentication settings were correct.  Well it turns out that they were, and this was just a client side issue.  Legacy IIS permissions when coexisting with E… Read the rest “Outlook Unable To Connect To Exchange –Default Gateway Not Found”


Exchange PowerShell Filtering Examples

When writing Exchange PowerShell scripts it is very useful to target specific machines to either query or set their properties.  Thus the ability to generate a query that effectively targets the correct machines is a very good thing to have!

The reason I'm posting this is that I see a lot of people manually specify a list of servers, and then iterate through the list which typically looks like this:… Read the rest “Exchange PowerShell Filtering Examples”


Exchange 2007 And 2013 Outlook Anywhere Co-Existence

Since we are still in the early stages of the year, and Exchange 2013 SP1 is now available, we will see lots of migrations to Exchange 2013.  Exchange 2013 can be deployed into an existing Exchange organisation where Exchange 2007 SP3 RU10 + and/or Exchange 2010 SP3 exists.

Let's look at an issue that can arise in an Outlook Anywhere co-existence scenario with Exchange 2007 and 2013.  After walking … Read the rest “Exchange 2007 And 2013 Outlook Anywhere Co-Existence”


Exchange Upgrades–The Point Of No Return

When designing an upgrade strategy from an older version of Exchange to a newer one, a question that needs to be addressed is do we need to introduce a version of Exchange that may not currently be present?  This may be when upgrading from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2010.  If that organisation does not have any Exchange 2007 servers, you need to evaluate if there may be a future requireme… Read the rest “Exchange Upgrades–The Point Of No Return”


Exchange and AntiVirus Exclusions – A Critical Conversation

Scanning Exchange databases with file system antivirus is a recipe for disaster.  This really should not come as a surprise for admins running Exchange services within the enterprise, since this has been the field requirement for a long time.  The documentation provided by Microsoft is very clear in what exclusions are required for file system antivirus and Exchange to coexist.  For reference the … Read the rest “Exchange and AntiVirus Exclusions – A Critical Conversation”


Exchange Security Update Available For MS13-105

To address the security issues present in bulletin MS13-105 all supported versions of Exchange 2007, 2010 and 2013 are receiving updates to allow customers to address the security vulnerabilities.   Depending upon the version of Exchange the delivery method will vary.  Exchange 2007 and 2010 provides updates and security fixes via Rollup Updates (RUs).  Exchange 2013 has a different servicing strat… Read the rest “Exchange Security Update Available For MS13-105”


How To Check Exchange Rollup Version

Back with the first few releases of Exchange, product updates were made available via service packs.  This continued into the Exchange 2000 and Exchange 2003 days.  It seems like an eternity ago, and dinosaurs were still roaming the Earth, when Exchange 2003 SP2 was released in October of 2005 as a whopping 109 MB download.

Exchange 2007 moved to a different servicing strategy which added a predicti… Read the rest “How To Check Exchange Rollup Version”