Have you read a blog or web site that asked you to run the Set-DAG command? Were you told by someone to run the Get-DAG command? You then went to your lab Exchange server to test and validate the command only to find that it does not work. At this point it’s a case of: Dude, where’s my command! **
The Exchange Management Shell will look like the below:
The reason is as mentioned in the red output text, the command is not recognised. It’s simply just not there…
This is because Set-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup is a little wordy to type, and is often abbreviated to Set-DAG. The same is true for the other DAG commands as well. I’ll put them into a table so that search engines will pick them up and people can easily find them. And for the record, I’m pretty guilty of shortening them which is why I started to write this in the first place……
Database Availability Group
Full Command | Abbreviated |
Restore-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup | Restore-DAG |
Start-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup | Start-DAG |
Stop-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup | Stop-DAG |
New-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup | New-DAG |
Remove-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup | Remove-DAG |
Set-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup | Set-DAG |
Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup | Get-DAG |
Database Availability Group Server
Full Command | Abbreviated |
Add-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupServer | Add-DAGServer |
Remove-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupServer | Remove-DAGServer |
Database Availability Group Network
Full Command | Abbreviated |
Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupNetwork | Get-DAGNetwork |
New-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupNetwork | New-DAGNetwork |
Remove-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupNetwork | Remove-DAGNetwork |
Set-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupNetwork | Set-DAGNetwork |
** – Ashton Kutcher films never really became more cerebral, did they?