Exchange Online Transport Rule Audit

Impact Of Not Enabling ETR Audit

This is a topic that still comes up when doing email investigations.  After there has been an issue, we want to perform analysis to determine what may have happened any potentially why certain security controls did not act the way we expected.

With email one example would be around the audit information collected when an Exchange Online transport rule acts upon a message.

It is common to see that ad… Read the rest “Exchange Online Transport Rule Audit”


Exchange Online App-Only Authentication Error AADSTS70011 Invalid Scope

As more people are starting to use the Exchange Online V2 module (yay!), there are some new and different issues appearing.

In this case, the command to connect to the tenant was failing when App-Only authentication was used.  A certificate was installed onto the machine where PowerShell was running.

The command used is shown followed by a glorious error.


Exchange Online App-Only Authentication Error AADSTS70011 Invalid Scope

Error Acquiring Token:
System.Exception:… Read the rest “Exchange Online App-Only Authentication Error AADSTS70011 Invalid Scope”


TenantOrganizationConfig Required When Preparing Active Directory

When running /PrepareSchema in an Exchange organisation with an existing Exchange Hybrid deployment you may run into an error which states:

"A hybrid deployment with Office 365 has been detected. Please ensure that you are running setup with the /TenantOrganizationConfig switch"

This is shown below:

Error - A hybrid deployment with Office 365 has been detected. Please ensure that you are running setup with the /TenantOrganizationConfig switch

A similar issue will occur if you specify only /PrepareAD

Same Issue - Error - A hybrid deployment with Office 365 has been detected. Please ensure that you are running setup with the /TenantOrganizationConfig switch

Note that the /TenantOrganizationConfig switc… Read the rest “TenantOrganizationConfig Required When Preparing Active Directory”


Exchange HCW Detects “Wrong” Version

When running Exchange setup or the Exchange Hybrid Configuration Wizard (HCW), I always recommend looking at the version information that is shown on screen. This is part of the gross error check to make sure that the correct version is being used.

This habit is one of the recommendations made in the Mistakes to Avoid Installing Exchange CU post.

Sometime you still may see something that surprises yo… Read the rest “Exchange HCW Detects “Wrong” Version”


Office 365 Welcome Pages – Circa 2015

The below are some of the older Office 365 welcome pages, thought it might be fun to make the screenshots available for reference.  They are from an old blog post that never made its way out of the draft folder.  So it was repurposed for this post.

I used to call this one the California Highway

Office 365 Logon Page - California Highway


Once signed in, the Office 365 admin portal is shown below.


Office 365 Admin Portal






&… Read the rest “Office 365 Welcome Pages – Circa 2015”


Reminder–End of Office 365 Outlook Anywhere Support October 31st 2017

The end of Outlook Anywhere support in Office 365 is almost upon us.  In a weeks time support for Outlook Anywhere (OA) will be removed in Office 365.  Note that this does not impact on-premises deployments. This change is in Office 365.  The replacement client connectivity protocol is MAPI/HTTP.  MAPI/HTTP is not a new protocol, it was introduced with Exchange 2013 SP1 and Outlook 2013 SP1.

The Of… Read the rest “Reminder–End of Office 365 Outlook Anywhere Support October 31st 2017”


Automating Enable-Remote Mailbox

While operating in an Exchange hybrid model, users expect to see a consistent GAL no matter if they or other people to be contacted are on-premises or in Exchange Online.  In order for the Exchange on-premises servers to be able to build up a complete GAL there needs to be at least some mailbox information added to the AD user object.  If Exchange Online mailboxes are added by simply assigning an … Read the rest “Automating Enable-Remote Mailbox”


Transport Rule To Force On-Premises Terminology In a Not So Subtle Way

There are many memes doing the rounds inside Microsoft which are sent out when someone uses the term on-premise rather than on-premises.  Note the extra"S" in the latter.  This is not new, and the last rant on this subject was a year ago Friday Morning Rant – Premise and Tenents.


For another bit of Friday morning fun, how about we provide some rather unsubtle feedback via an Exchange transpor… Read the rest “Transport Rule To Force On-Premises Terminology In a Not So Subtle Way”


Enable-RemoteMailbox – Is It A Chicken Or An Egg

This post is to answer a recent customer question regarding if there is a requirement to perform a directory sync cycle after creating a new remote mailbox enabled AD user object before it could have an Office 365 mailbox created.

They believed that the on-premises Exchange tools were directly reaching out to Exchange Online and immediately creating the necessary mailbox in the service.   This is w… Read the rest “Enable-RemoteMailbox – Is It A Chicken Or An Egg”


Reminder – Signup For Moving Tenant To Canadian Datacenter Region

The below is a quick note for Canadian customers.  We are now almost at the end of the window to signup for the GoLocal move where Microsoft will move your North American tenant to the Canadian datacenter region.  Note that the message states core customer data is what will be moved.  The below message should be in your Office 365 Message Center:

Message Center Notification For Canadian Datacentre Move

From the above message:

Customers with data residency… Read the rest “Reminder – Signup For Moving Tenant To Canadian Datacenter Region”