Office 365 Workshop Links – December 2017

This is a link fest  for the items discussed during a recent Office 365 workshop delivered in an unusually tropical Calgary last week.  Calgary +12 in December is always a win!!

Posting the links here since they will be available to all of the attendees, and thought that others may also find them useful/interesting.

PowerShell Tips And Tricks

Start with these three articles:

How To Maximize Exchange ARead the rest “Office 365 Workshop Links – December 2017”


Office 365 Workshop Links – May 2017

This is a link throw-down for the items discussed during a recent Office 365 workshop that I delivered to customers in beautiful Montreal last week.

I’m posting the links here since they will be available to all of the attendees, and thought that others may also find them useful/interesting.

PowerShell Tips And Tricks

Start with these three articles:

How To Maximize Exchange Administrator ProductivityRead the rest “Office 365 Workshop Links – May 2017”


Office 365 Workshop Links–August 2016

This is a link throw-down for the items discussed during a recent Office 365 workshop that I delivered to customers in a rather tropical Winnipeg last week.  It has to be said that the +30 Winnipeg is much better than the –30 Winnipeg!

I’m posting the links here since they will be available to all of the attendees, and thought that others may also find them useful/interesting.

Office 365 Public Road

Read the rest “Office 365 Workshop Links–August 2016”

Exchange 2013 Workshop Links – January 2016

Canadian Parliament - Peace TowerThis is link throw down for items that we discussed in a Exchange 2013 workshop which I delivered in Ottawa, Canada’s capital.   The weather was pretty warm, the adjacent picture of parliament was on a bright Saturday morning when the temperature was a crisp –15 Celsius.

For those who want to convert to Fahrenheit, I’ll let you get on with that in your own time.

There was a cause for concern as the … Read the rest “Exchange 2013 Workshop Links – January 2016”