End of Exchange 2019 Mainstream Support

Exchange 2019 Support Lifecycle Policy

Today marks the end of Exchange 2019’s mainstream support.  This will likely resurface the discussion about what do we do with on-premises Exchange, where is the next version and do we even still need Exchange Server if all mailboxes are in Exchange Online?  While there is a solution to removing the last Exchange Server from on-premises it does have it's caveats and considerations.  Please ensure … Read the rest “End of Exchange 2019 Mainstream Support”


Enable DMARC For OnMicrosoft.com Domains

DMARC Record For onmicrosoft.com Domain

It is possible to add a Domain Based Message Authentication Reporting and Conformance (DMARC) record for your onmicrosoft.com domain in M365.

Is that a good thing?

Well, your viewpoint may depend on your experiences with this domain.  If you actually use the onmicrosoft.com domain to send email, then yes!  Adding the DMARC record enables the DMARC alignment check to pass and the mail to be successfu… Read the rest “Enable DMARC For OnMicrosoft.com Domains”


How To Generate File Hash Using Certutil

Create File Hash using Certutil

Windows has the ability to easily generate a hash for a given file using the Certutil.exe utility.  Administrators may have previously used to this tool when they need to generate TLS certificates or to perform other tasks against AD Certificate Services.  As an example of the former, this was a common task for AD FS certificates as described in this post.

To generate the file hash we will use the … Read the rest “How To Generate File Hash Using Certutil”


Unable To Access OWA Externally Via WAP 2019

Unable To Access OWA - Still Working On It

After upgrading Web Application Proxy (WAP) to Windows Server 2019 you may run into an issue with certain applications that are published via WAP to the Internet.

In the below example the AD FS upgrade went well with no issues.  The AD FS farm and WAP servers were upgraded to Windows Server 2019 and all appeared to be going well.  Too well that was, as when the external tests were validated against… Read the rest “Unable To Access OWA Externally Via WAP 2019”


Exchange Unexpected InternalNLBBypass URL – RecoverServer

Exchange Server Unexpected URL RecoverServer

Reviewing the output of an environement's CAS Namespaces showed that there was an unexpecte URL present for the version of Exchagne that was installed.  With Exchange 2013 onwards InternalNLBBypassURL is not something that we need to set.  That was an Exchange 2007 and 2010 thing.

In the environment below note that there are couple of things that pique my interest.

Any thoughts?

Exchange WebServices Showing InternalNLBBypassURL

What is interesting i… Read the rest “Exchange Unexpected InternalNLBBypass URL – RecoverServer”


Exchange Healthcheck Script – EWS Internal Bypass URL Set

Exchange Healthcheck InternalNLBBypassURL

The amazing Exchange Healthcheck script really has gotten to the point where Exchange Best Practices Analyser (ExBPA) used to be. Exchange admins should heavily use the Healthcheck script.  This should be done before and after maintenance tasks such as installing CUs and security updates.

There is a handy dandy shortcut URL to download the script:  https://aka.ms/ExchangeHealthChecker

Note that this… Read the rest “Exchange Healthcheck Script – EWS Internal Bypass URL Set”


How to Get Newer Version of PowerShellGet – Install, Don’t Upgrade

Update PowerShellGet

Current versions of Windows come with a version of PowerShellGet pre-installed.  The PowerShellGet and PackageManagement modules originally were released in Windows PowerShell 5.0 which itself was part of the Windows Management Framework (WMF) 5.0 RTM.  This was back in early 2016. The PowerShellGet module is also integrated with the PackageManagement module as a provider.

The version of Powe… Read the rest “How to Get Newer Version of PowerShellGet – Install, Don’t Upgrade”


Exchange 2019 CU13 Released (2023 H1)

Exchange 2019 CU13 Download

Exchange 2019 CU13 has been released to the Microsoft Volume Licensing Center and the public Microsoft Download site!  Exchange 2019 has a different servicing strategy than Exchange 2007/2010 and utilises Cumulative Updates (CUs) rather than the Rollup Updates (RU/UR) which were used previously.    CUs are a complete installation of Exchange 2019 and can be used to install a fresh server or to upd… Read the rest “Exchange 2019 CU13 Released (2023 H1)”


End of Exchange 2013 Support

Exchange 2013 Support Lifecycle

Today Exchange 2013 reaches the end of the road and it will transition out of extended support.  Hopefully everyone has migrated to a newer version and/or Office 365.  But experience tells me that will not be the case.

Hopefully no one will have Exchange 2013 published to the Internet either, but again experience says otherwise…

Please note that Microsoft will not provide technical support, time zon… Read the rest “End of Exchange 2013 Support”


Out of SSPR Scope User Experience

Azure AD Self Service Password Reset (SSPR) has the ability to restrict which group of users are able to perform SSPR tasks.  It is a slightly limited administrator control as only a single group can be selected.  Azure AD administrator roles are able to perform SSPR even if they are not in scope of the selected group.

They typical user experience is that the person goes to https://aka.ms/SSPR and … Read the rest “Out of SSPR Scope User Experience”