Exchange 2013 SCOM Management Pack Download

The Exchange 2013 System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) Management Pack is available from the download centre.

The Exchange 2013 Management Pack is designed to work with the new features in Exchange 2013, namely Managed Availability.  Previous versions of the management pack supported SCOM 2007 R2.  However the newer versions of the management pack updated the system requirements to state that ne… Read the rest “Exchange 2013 SCOM Management Pack Download”


Re-Release Of Exchange 2010 SCOM Management Pack

Since the System Centre Operations Manager (SCOM) Management Pack (MP) for Exchange 2010 has been re-released to the Microsoft download center, I thought that it would be worth bubbling this up.  The previous post can be found here on the blog.

Exchange 2010 SCOM Managemet Pack Download August 2012

This is build 14.03.0038.004 of the MP, and is dated August 31st 2012. 

System Center Operations ManagerThe Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Management Pack includes a complete health model, exRead the rest “Re-Release Of Exchange 2010 SCOM Management Pack”


Updated Exchange 2010 SCOM Management Pack – June 2012

An updated System Centre Operations Manager (SCOM) Management Pack (MP) for Exchange 2010 has been released to the Microsoft download center.  This is build 14.03.0038.004 of the MP.  

Edit 3-9-2012 Updated MP build 14.03.0038.004 released

EDIT 9-8-2012 - Updated MP build 14.03.0038.003 is currently unavailable due to an issue.

EDIT 8-8-2012  - Updated MP build 14.03.0038.003 released. 

EDIT 27-6-2012 Read the rest “Updated Exchange 2010 SCOM Management Pack – June 2012”


SCOM Slow PowerShell Expansion

Ran into an issue with SCOM, where the SCOM PowerShell console would freeze for extended periods of time.


Solution was found here: Slow tab expansion in Ops Mgr PowerShell V2 console

The fix is to tweak the TabExpansion function in V2 so that it doesn’t try to autocomplete child objects if using the Ops Mgr provider. This can be done via the below script. Paste this into your console session, … Read the rest “SCOM Slow PowerShell Expansion”