Updated PAL Tool 2.3.1 Released

Note: The follow-up can be found here: https://blog.rmilne.ca/archive/2012/07/19/using-pal-template-to-easily-capture-performance-data.aspx

Performance Analysis of Logs - PALClint Huffman Tweeted that he released an updated build of the PAL (Performance Analysis of Logs) tool.

This build contains both fixes and other welcome additional improvements to an ever growing list of templates which is always great to see!

For those who have n… Read the rest “Updated PAL Tool 2.3.1 Released”


Free E-Book–Introducing Windows Server 2012

Introducing Windows Server 2012 Introducing Windows Server 2012, by Mitch Tulloch, is now ready for your free download!

This is one of the first books on Windows Server 2012 and provides a high level overview of the next generation of Windows!

You can download it here:

PDF  Introducing Windows Server 2012 PDF ebook

EPUB Introducing Windows Server 2012 EPUB ebook

MOBI Introducing Windows Server 2012 MOBI ebook

Alternatively go to TechERead the rest “Free E-Book–Introducing Windows Server 2012”


Exchange Services Not Starting Due to Network Location

On some recent Exchange 2010 builds I noticed that sometimes the Exchange services would fail due to a lack of connectivity with Active Directory.    I noticed that the network location had changed from Domain and was listed as Public even though the server had a single connection which was on the internal corporate network.


A fix was released on this issue and can be downloaded from Microsoft.

The nRead the rest “Exchange Services Not Starting Due to Network Location”


Windows Service Log On As Inventory

At a recent engagement a customer wanted to quickly scan through multiple servers to easily determine which services were set to log on as non-standard accounts, i.e. ones like network service, and local service were OK, but which ones were using an Active Directory logon for example?  They also wanted to search specific portions of the AD, so logic was added to start searching a collection of com… Read the rest “Windows Service Log On As Inventory”


Fine Grained Control When Registering Multiple IP Addresses On a Network Card

Edit: 24-1-2013:  A second article using PowerShell 3.0 is here

Edit: 30-1-2013: – A third article is using advanced PowerShell 3.0 is here.

Edit 28-8-2013: – A similar issue with the setting being removed is present in Windows Server 2012.  Article with workaround is here.

The previous behaviour in Windows was to register all IP addresses that were entered on the network card’s property sheet into DNS… Read the rest “Fine Grained Control When Registering Multiple IP Addresses On a Network Card”


“Slow” File Copy Issues


A recent performance issue case revolved around slow disk access times, and the impact that this had on Hyper-V and Windows in general.

The customer had identified that one of their SAN units was dramatically out performing another one, even though the slower unit should have been orders of magnitude faster – well, at least on paper!

As part of their tests IOMeter was used along with copying l… Read the rest ““Slow” File Copy Issues”