MEC 2014 Content Available

MEC 2014 session recordings and slides are now available for everyone’s enjoyment!

MEC 2014 Sessions Available For Everyone - Yay !!!!

As always Ross Smith, Scott Schnoll and Brian Day deliver some great content that you must check out!  If you are in the throes of deploying Exchange 2013 SP1 right now, then please do look at Brian Day’s session.  You will not regret it!

Take some time to go through these 74 awesome sessions.

74 Awesome MEC Sessions - Nice !!

My MEC 2014 write-… Read the rest “MEC 2014 Content Available”


MEC 2014 – The Aftermath

MEC 2014 has now come and gone, and it's been both an exciting and tiring week!  There was always so much going on that it was a constant battle to decide what to go and see next.  But that is  a great dilemma to face.  I will be spending a lot of time in the coming weeks looking at the recordings on the IamMEC.com site.  Jon Orton just commented that the content will be release in the coming weeks… Read the rest “MEC 2014 – The Aftermath”


MEC 2014 – 2 Weeks And Counting

Wow, time has certainly flown and its now only two weeks until MEC 2014 happens down in sunny Austin, Texas!

My MEC Profile is here.  Currently looking at all the sessions and planning that out!

MEC 2014 Splash Screen

I’m really pumped and am looking forward to meeting a load of virtual friends from a wide range of countries from Sweden, Australia and the UK to name just a few!  Having so many community members in a singl… Read the rest “MEC 2014 – 2 Weeks And Counting”