Exchange 2016 – CU23 Now Required

Exchange 2016 CU23 Now Required

With the release of Exchange 2019 CU14 today, a separate announcement was added to the release post to highlight that only CU23 is supported for Exchange 2016.  Exchange Server 2016 is supported until the end of its support in 2025, however in order to receive support and to obtain Security Updates (SUs) you must be running CU23.  CU22 and all older releases of Exchange 2016 are no longer supporte… Read the rest “Exchange 2016 – CU23 Now Required”


End of Exchange 2019 Mainstream Support

Exchange 2019 Support Lifecycle Policy

Today marks the end of Exchange 2019’s mainstream support.  This will likely resurface the discussion about what do we do with on-premises Exchange, where is the next version and do we even still need Exchange Server if all mailboxes are in Exchange Online?  While there is a solution to removing the last Exchange Server from on-premises it does have it's caveats and considerations.  Please ensure … Read the rest “End of Exchange 2019 Mainstream Support”


IIS SMTP Virtual Server Component No Longer Supported

IIS SMTP Component Not Supported

Please consider this a quick PSA (Public Service Announcement) as it is still common that I run into environments with the IIS SMTP service still running and processing mail.

While the component has had a long and interesting life, it is now unsupported as it is tied to the support lifecycle of Windows Server 2003.

For more details and information please see:

How to: Install and Configure SMTP VirtuaRead the rest “IIS SMTP Virtual Server Component No Longer Supported”


QuickTip – Removing IE11 Via Command Line

IE11 Support Lifecycle

Now that multiple services have stopped supporting IE11 coupled with the end of support for legacy Edge, it is imperative that we transition to an updated browser on all of our devices.  IE11 is already unsupported for multiple Microsoft services, and the list will grow over time.  For example Microsoft Teams support ceased on the 30th November 2020, and overall Microsoft 365 support ends on the 17t… Read the rest “QuickTip – Removing IE11 Via Command Line”


End of Exchange 2010 Support

Exchange 2010 has proven to be a solid and innovative product over the last decade.  From consolidating three different flavours of continuous replication, adding RPC Client Access and the Exchange Hybrid Configuration Wizard in Service Pack 2 we have a lot to be thankful for.  However it is time so say goodbye to this old friend.

I can only imagine the number of time people have been running setupRead the rest “End of Exchange 2010 Support”


End of Exchange 2016 Mainstream Support

October the 13th 2020 is not only the end of support for Office 2010 and Exchange 2010, it also signals that Exchange 2016 will transition into extended support.

Exchange 2016 will continued to be supported as per the lifecycle support policy.

The below excerpt from the Microsoft lifecycle page illustrates when Exchange 2016 will exit extended support in 2025.


End of Exchange 2016 Mainstream Support


Exchange 2016 will be servic… Read the rest “End of Exchange 2016 Mainstream Support”


End of Outlook 2010 Support – T Minus 1 Year

For awareness, Office 2010 has one year remaining of its extended support lifecycle. Office 2010 SP2 has been required since October 2014.  All Office 2010 installs must be running SP2 in order to receive security updates since that time.

On the 13th of October 2020, Office 2010 will exit out of extended support.  Please plan to transition to a support client well in advance.

There are many feature … Read the rest “End of Outlook 2010 Support – T Minus 1 Year”


End of TMG 2010 Support – T Minus 1 Year

At this point we are now one year away from the end of Threat Management Gateway (TMG) 2010 support.  Many of Exchange administrators and architects will need to look at alternative solutions for publishing and securing Exchange, though this should have previously instigated.

TMG 2010 will exit out of extended support on the 14th of April 2020.  Please plan accordingly.


Forefront Threat Manage

Read the rest “End of TMG 2010 Support – T Minus 1 Year”

End of Exchange 2013 and Office 2013 Mainstream Support

Time marches on.  Exchange 2013 and Outlook 2013 have now exited out of mainstream support and will be serviced as per their extended support life cycle policy.

Several years Ready For The Next Episode? and The New Exchange were the first posts here on Exchange 2013.  The latter has an image of how the Exchange team blog used to look.  That was back when orange must have been the marketing colour of … Read the rest “End of Exchange 2013 and Office 2013 Mainstream Support”


Save The Date – End of Exchange 2010 Support–T Minus 2 Years

Update 16-9-2019  Please note that Exchange 2010 support has been extended to the 13th of October 2020.  This does not mean that migration plans can be paused.  Also review the aspects of the support for the underlying OS.

January 2020 is going to be a very important month.  There are multiple large and important products which will exit out of their extended support lifecycle phase.  The list includ… Read the rest “Save The Date – End of Exchange 2010 Support–T Minus 2 Years”