Exchange 2007 Outlook Anywhere White Paper

This is one of those older documents, that for many reasons I seem to keep coming back to over the years.  Even as we transition away from classic Outlook Anywhere to MAPI/HTTP, knowing some of the features/limitations of Outlook Anywhere and why MAPI/HTTP is a better replacement is something that will be around for a long time to come.

Since TechNet is dead, even though I know exactly what I'm loo… Read the rest “Exchange 2007 Outlook Anywhere White Paper”


Exchange CAS Namespace Planning

CAS Namespace planning is frequently an issue with Exchange deployments.  Why?  For the simple reason that it is either totally skipped or glossed over.

Any Exchange design worth its salt must have careful attention applied to the CAS role.  While it is possible to drop in the HUB role, and it works well in the default configuration this is not also true for CAS.  Unless your org… Read the rest “Exchange CAS Namespace Planning”


End of Exchange 2007 Support

Today’s the day to say goodbye to our old friend, Exchange 2007.  At this point you should have completed the project to move all mailboxes and resources from Exchange 2007 to a supported version of Exchange, and uninstall the Exchange 2007 servers.

Thanks to Exchange 2007 I went to MCM, and discovered just how badly Greg Taylor and accomplices can break an Exchange environment and turn it into a qu… Read the rest “End of Exchange 2007 Support”


Decomissioning Exchange 2007 – Public Folder Migration

The end of support date for Exchange 2007 is fast approaching.  At this time all of your migration projects to transition to a newer version should be done.  Note that Exchange 2007 will exit out of extended support on the 11th of April 2017.  The Office 2007 suite has a slightly later end of extended support date which is the 10th of October 2017.

It is necessary to properly decommission Exchange … Read the rest “Decomissioning Exchange 2007 – Public Folder Migration”


Save The Date – End of Exchange 2007 Extended Support

End of Exchange 2007 Extended SupportExchange 2007 is now twelve months out from the end of its support lifecycle.  If you still have Exchange 2007 deployed, and have not completed the migration to a newer version of Exchange then it is time to accelerate that migration project.

I feel a little bittersweet about this.  Yes, the new Exchange versions offer far more functionality, but remember back to when Exchange 2007 was released and… Read the rest “Save The Date – End of Exchange 2007 Extended Support”


Controlling Exchange 2013/2016 Proxying To Exchange 2010

Exchange 2013 streamlined the connectivity between servers with the “every server is an island” design philosophy.  The intent was to remove the strict version dependency hooks which existed in the previous versions of Exchange.  For example, the Exchange 2007 HUB Store Driver can only communicate with the Exchange 2007 Mailbox role.  Conversely, the Exchange 2010 HUB Store Driver can only communi… Read the rest “Controlling Exchange 2013/2016 Proxying To Exchange 2010”


How To Easily Add Public Folder Replicas To Exchange 2010

Exchange 2007 onwards contain a treasure trove of built in scripts to help administer the system.  These scripts are listed in TechNet and are found under the Exchange installation path in the scripts folder.  Yes – somewhat unsurprisingly.

In this post let’s take a look at the scripts that can help with administering public folders, specifically adding new replicas to public folders.  This post wil… Read the rest “How To Easily Add Public Folder Replicas To Exchange 2010”


DNS or SRV Record For DNS Based Exchange Autodiscover

For users and devices that need to use DNS to locate their Exchange Autodiscover endpoint, should I use a SRV record?

The above is a fairly common question, and it almost warrants the consultant’s answer.  It depends...

Multi Site Exchange 2010 CAS Namespaces

As discussed by Ross Smith IV in his introduction to Exchange 2013 CAS post, Exchange 2010 CAS Namespace planning typically requires multiple nam… Read the rest “DNS or SRV Record For DNS Based Exchange Autodiscover”


Import-Exchange Certificate Ignores Path Provided

On an Exchange 2007 SP3 RU15 server, experienced an issue where the path statement on the Import-ExchangeCertificate cmdlet seemed to ignore what it was told to do….

The below PowerShell commands were used:

$Creds = Get-Credential

Import-ExchangeCertificate -Path .cert.pfx -Password $Creds.Password

Which generated an error stating “Import-ExchangeCertificate : The import file name .cert.pfx was not fo… Read the rest “Import-Exchange Certificate Ignores Path Provided”


Update 015-027 Revised (3002657)

In the March 2015 security bulletin, update 15-027 was released.  This is to address a vulnerability in the Netlogon component of windows that could allow spoofing.  The security bulleting for 015-027 is available in the Security TechCenterKB 3002657 provides details of the update. 

Please be aware that the update has been revised, and version 2.0 is now available.  Versi… Read the rest “Update 015-027 Revised (3002657)”