Office 365 Workshop Links–August 2016

This is a link throw-down for the items discussed during a recent Office 365 workshop that I delivered to customers in a rather tropical Winnipeg last week.  It has to be said that the +30 Winnipeg is much better than the –30 Winnipeg!

I’m posting the links here since they will be available to all of the attendees, and thought that others may also find them useful/interesting.

Office 365 Public Road

Read the rest “Office 365 Workshop Links–August 2016”

Exchange 2013 Workshop Links – February 2015

This is link throw down for items that we discussed in a recent Exchange 2013 workshop.  Well, actually two workshops.  Depending upon which one you attended the additional links will be slightly different.

Exchange 2013

Client Connectivity in an Exchange 2013 Coexistence Environment

Exchange 2013 and Exchange 2010 Coexistence with Kerberos Authentication - beware the prerequisites and review closely.… Read the rest “Exchange 2013 Workshop Links – February 2015”


Office 365 Workshop Links – February 2015

St. John's Workshop

This is a link throw-down for the items that we discussed during a recent Office 365 workshop that I delivered to customers in sunny/snowy/windy/rainy St. John’s Newfoundland.  Yes it was all four seasons in one week, but that seems to be par for the course! St. John's was great (as always), and it is a place I love to visit.  With rain, it reminds me of back home! This is the view I enjoyed when h… Read the rest “Office 365 Workshop Links – February 2015”


Office 365 Workshop Links – December 2014

This is a link throw-down for the items that we discussed during a recent Office 365 workshop that I delivered to customers in sunny Calgary.

I’m posting the links here since they will be available to all of the attendees, and thought that others may also find them useful/interesting. 


Service Descriptions

Exchange Online Service Description – required reading!  Especially the limits Read the rest “Office 365 Workshop Links – December 2014”


Remote Desktop Connection Manager Download (RDCMan) 2.7

Update 24-6-2021: RDCMan 2.8.1 is available.  Please see here.

The venerable Remote Desktop Connection Manager (RDCMan) 2.2 was starting to show its age.

After a slight hiatus, RDCMan 2.7 is now available.  Please say thank you to Julian Burger for the early Christmas present.  Remote Desktop Connection Manager (RDCMan) is a great tool to consolidate multiple RDP connections into a single window to pr… Read the rest “Remote Desktop Connection Manager Download (RDCMan) 2.7”


Exchange RBAC Tips N Tricks – PowerShell

Most of the time when working with RBAC in Exchange we are not using large scripts to create and manage roles.  Generally we use one-liners to configure RBAC.  So I thought it would be useful to post some of the ones that I find myself frequently using.

As always please add a comment, or hit me up on the contact page and  tell me want topics you want to see added here!

Where does this Cmdlet Live


Read the rest “Exchange RBAC Tips N Tricks – PowerShell”

How To Automate NetMon Captures

When troubleshooting various Exchange issues it can be very beneficial to get a network capture to look at the actual packets going over the wire.  For example when looking at Outlook connectivity issues we can enable Outlook client logging and RPC Client Access Logging on the Exchange Server.  Both are both great troubleshooting tools and while we can solve a lot of issues with that information, … Read the rest “How To Automate NetMon Captures”


Exchange 2013 RTM CU3 Released

Exchange 2013 CU3 Download Available

Exchange 2013 RTM CU3 has now been released to the download centre.

CU3 includes fixes for customer reported issues, minor product enhancements and previously released security bulletins. A complete list of customer reported issues resolved in Exchange Server 2013 CU3 can be found in Knowledge Base Article KB2892464.

Note that the filename now reflects the actual CU!

There is also an accompanying KB … Read the rest “Exchange 2013 RTM CU3 Released”


Save The Date – End of Exchange 2003 Support–T Minus 6 Months

Exchange 2003 Support About To Blast OffAs mentioned 6 months ago, Exchange 2003 is rapidly approaching the end of its extended product lifecycle.  The ship is getting ready to launch, and hopefully this should not surprise anyone.


Exchange 2003 certainly has had a good run over the last 10 years since it was released back in back in October 2003.  It made ActiveSync available to the mainstream (Mobile Information Server wa… Read the rest “Save The Date – End of Exchange 2003 Support–T Minus 6 Months”


Outlook & Restricting DAG Cross-Site Connections

This post is to clarify that a previously discussed feature that was intended for Exchange 2010 SP1 is not present in the SP1 final build.

Update:  This feature is now live in the Exchange 2010 SP2 RU3 build of Exchange. 

The feature I am referring to is the allow/block cross site RPC Client Access connections.  This sometimes comes up in workshops and discussions with clients regar… Read the rest “Outlook & Restricting DAG Cross-Site Connections”