Office 365 Autodiscover Lookup Process–Revisited

Previously we looked at the Office 2010 client and how it used Autodiscover to detect Exchange Online (EXO) mailbox settings.  Outlook 2010 is no longer supported, so it is worth updating these notes for a current build of Outlook.

As with the previous post, this is intended as a point in time reference as I personally find it handy as an ongoing reference.  In the updated example below a fully patc… Read the rest “Office 365 Autodiscover Lookup Process–Revisited”


Outlook 2016 Autodiscover Implementation

It’s time that we revisited the implementation of Autodiscover in current builds of Outlook, as there have been some changes that are worth noting.

The latest public article which discusses Outlook and Autodiscover is: Outlook 2016 implementation of Autodiscover.

You can take a look at the previous posts on the blog which feature the #Autodiscover tag.  They show the "classic" Outlook 2007 impl… Read the rest “Outlook 2016 Autodiscover Implementation”


End of Outlook 2010 Support – T Minus 1 Year

For awareness, Office 2010 has one year remaining of its extended support lifecycle. Office 2010 SP2 has been required since October 2014.  All Office 2010 installs must be running SP2 in order to receive security updates since that time.

On the 13th of October 2020, Office 2010 will exit out of extended support.  Please plan to transition to a support client well in advance.

There are many feature … Read the rest “End of Outlook 2010 Support – T Minus 1 Year”


End of Exchange 2013 and Office 2013 Mainstream Support

Time marches on.  Exchange 2013 and Outlook 2013 have now exited out of mainstream support and will be serviced as per their extended support life cycle policy.

Several years Ready For The Next Episode? and The New Exchange were the first posts here on Exchange 2013.  The latter has an image of how the Exchange team blog used to look.  That was back when orange must have been the marketing colour of … Read the rest “End of Exchange 2013 and Office 2013 Mainstream Support”


Outlook 2013 Autodiscover

Many, many moons ago, we looked at the functionality of Autodiscover for on-premises Exchange.  At the time of writing that post the focus was on Exchange 2010 and Outlook 2010.  Things change...

In this post we can look at the modifications introduced in Outlook 2013, and we will also need to review the changes in Outlook 2016 which will be in a separate post.


The documented flows for … Read the rest “Outlook 2013 Autodiscover”


End of Outlook 2007 Support

Earlier this year we said goodbye to our friend, Exchange 2007.  Now that it is October the 10th, Outlook 2007 is also exiting out of extended support.

Customers who use Office 365 will have noted that there is a change to the supported client connectivity methods.  Outlook Anywhere is being replaced with MAPI/HTTP.  Outlook 2007 does not support MAPI/HTTP, and as such will be unable to connect.  T… Read the rest “End of Outlook 2007 Support”


The Case of: Outlook Destroying Desktops

As the name of the post implies, something was terribly wrong with Outlook.  Or so it appeared.

This was a visit to a customer with poor user experience running Outlook 2016 on Windows 7.  The level of impact was clear long before I even stepped on site.  Management were under the impression that Outlook was crippling their desktops and blocking other business critical applications from working.  T… Read the rest “The Case of: Outlook Destroying Desktops”


How To Disable MAPI/HTTP For A Single Mailbox


This is one of those handy little tricks to keep in a toolbox to narrow down issues when troubleshooting.  It can be useful to understand if the client is connecting via Outlook Anywhere or MAPI/HTTP.  To troubleshoot such issues MAPI/HTTP can be disabled on the client, and then re-tested to see if the issue continues.  Note that permanently disabling MAPI/HTTP is not an acceptable solution, and t… Read the rest “How To Disable MAPI/HTTP For A Single Mailbox”


Save The Date – End of Office 2007 Extended Support

Please be aware and plan for the upcoming end of extended support Office 2007.   For those who were working in IT back in 2006 when Office 2007 was released, do you remember the catchy title that was used? L.O.V.E.  - Launch of Office Vista and Exchange.  Office 2007 brought us Outlook 2007 which was a welcome change from the 2003 version of the product.  Some features are still with us, others no… Read the rest “Save The Date – End of Office 2007 Extended Support”


Outlook Unexpectedly Changed Mail to Keep Offline Settings

The below was noted when dealing with a customer issue where the VIP was complaining that Outlook had "unexpectedly" changed the amount of data which they had chosen to keep offline.  They had a laptop system with a very small SSD, which filled up due to the increased OST size.

Large OST issues happened frequently in Outlook 2010 as that version of the client would download all content to the OST. … Read the rest “Outlook Unexpectedly Changed Mail to Keep Offline Settings”